
I Tweet Naked

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As you know, I take part in a variety of social media platforms.  Primarily, I live on the big three: Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.  Besides doing my own marketing, I spend a lot of time on these sites looking at what other people are doing.  I like to point out, and often blog about, companies or people who are doing good jobs.  Every so often I come across a piece of communication that is SO far from good I have to share it as a “What NOT to do”.

Most of the time these come in the form of Spam or auto-DM’s. This one is a little different.

On LinkedIn you join groups to talk to people in your industry, grow your connections and perhaps even make some business deals.  It is a great resource, but not a particularly sexy place.  It is not a place to go see naked photos (though you will find some in certain groups), or a place to meet a date (though sometimes this does happen).  LinkedIn is primarily a place for business.

One of the greatest values are the connections.  If you share a group with someone, you know you have a conversation-starter and a reason to add them to your network of business connections.  Once you are networked with that person, you can send them a message (unless you have the paid version of LinkedIn, in which case you do not have to be in their network).

I belong to a lot of groups and many people network with me.  If we share a group, you have a 99% chance of me saying yes.

So recently I received a LinkedIn email message from a photographer that simply said:

“you might have better luck if you were more pleasing to the eyes or dressed sluttier.”

So first off – Holy Inappropriate, Batman! I mean really, in what world is this considered an acceptable communication for a business platform (or any platform)?

Secondly, what did this guy think he was going to accomplish? Was I immediately supposed to be in awe of his amazing insight and start sending him naked photos? Then hire him to help me to be a more attractive slut?

And third, I am not unpleasant to look at. And luck has nothing to do with it. As a business professional, consultant and strategist it is not my goal to appear in any way other than how / who I am, and my expertise is the engine of my success.

Even if some business professionals prefer to tweet in the nude (and if I do, how will you know?)!

So here’s the lesson: don’t insult your audience.  If you are emailing, make sure there is some relevant purpose and intent behind it. You never know who your message is going to. You might just be burning a bridge you will later need.

Video Tutorial: How to Send a Direct Message on Twitter

A big question I often get asked is how to send a Twitter direct message. Especially after the New Twitter came out, some people were not sure how messaging worked.  So I put together a video tutorial to walk you through how to send a DM on Twitter. Enjoy

How often do Porn Stars do it?

How often do you do it?  You are a porn star.  The biggest question on everyone’s mind is: how often do you do it?  Once a day? Three times a week? Once a week? Once a month?

Yes, I am talking about blogging.  How often do you post?

If you want to get traffic to your site, frequency counts!

It is pretty simple. The more often you post, the more traffic you will get.  This is a case where quantity counts more than quality. I am not saying that you can post complete crap. You need to work on your writing. Make sure it is grammatically correct and that it is spell-checked. Get someone to review and edit it. Make sure that your topic is relevant to your blog subject and that it is interesting.

Some tips for writing often:

  • Write short posts

    A post that is about 300 to 500 characters long is plenty.  It is enough room to get an idea across but you are not writing a novel.  When it comes to reading blogs we have short attention spans.  So write something short, sweet and to the point.

  • Write a long post and break it up

    Many of us can’t write short posts. When we sit down to write, we write a lot.  This can be great for increasing your frequency. Take your long post and divide it up into two or more posts. Maybe one topic can span several posts.

  • Build a blog bank

    A blog bank is a reserve of blog posts that you have ready to go live at any moment.  This is really great if you are blogging every day or even multiple times a week. Lets face it, sometimes life gets in the way and we don’t have time to write. If you have a blog bank, you can pull from that for your posting.

  • Blog ahead

    I don’t usually blog bank, I do something similar. I blog ahead.  I will write up to 10 blogs ahead and get them scheduled.  I try to continue writing to keep up my scheduled reserve, but if I fall behind I know that I have wiggle room because I already have them scheduled.

  • Guest bloggers

    If you are posting frequently it can be hard to keep up with your own posting schedule. A way to help relieve some of the responsibility is to have guest bloggers.  This is a great way to expand your readership, grow your network and give you an occasional break from writing.

My what a sexy font you have…

Fonts are the voice of your website.  They reveal your personality, or the personality of your site.  Your font needs to match the topic, content and feel of your site. So what is your font personality? Sexy, playful, provocative? Mysterious, classic, cold or impersonal? Mature or immature?

Fonts are the stepchildren of web design. When you create a blogsite (which I recommend over a regular website) you primarily focus on graphic design. How does it look?  Do the colors go nicely together?  Do your sidebars look cool? Does your home page grab you?  Font is usually a secondary or tertiary consideration. Often it is not even a conscious decision; people will just accept whatever the default font is.  There are people in typography who feel that your choice of font is a representation of your personality.  I wouldn’t go that far, but your font does send a message.

“Typefaces are the clothes words wear, and just as we make judgments about people by the clothes they wear, so we make judgments about the information we’re reading by the typefaces,” typography analyst Caroline Arche

Size Matters

Size does matter when it comes to fonts.  A smaller font conveys power and authority. A large font indicates immaturity. So in general smaller is better, unless it is too small to read.

Font Type

The type of font you choose sends a message.  Professional but traditional? Use Times.  Professional but contemporary? Use Verdana. Courier New says cold and unfeeling. Times New Roman is a good compromise between traditional and modern and generates feelings of trustworthiness. If you want something flirty and fun, then pick something with big circular O’s and swooping lines.

“Courier is the sensible shoes of Fonts.”

Font Color

The color of your font is extremely important, especially in relation to your background.  How many times have you gone to a page and had trouble reading the writing because of the font color?  People may have difficulties reading what you write because of vision issues,migraines, or forms of color blindness.  But if someone is struggling with reading what you wrote because they cannot see it easily, they will not stay on your page.

  • Do not place small white text on black backgrounds. It is visually very difficult to read.  The letters blur together and become indistinguishable, or seemingly move around. (This is one time where larger font size is better).
  • Red text on a yellow background is like a seizure for the eyes. It actually creates a holographic effect.
  • Blue text on green background or green on blue background should be avoided.  Often the words will just melt into the background and some people won’t be able to see them at all.

a block of white text on a black background showing how white text is hard to read

A demonstration of how white text is hard to read

The best font to use is black text on a white, light gray, light cream or light tan background.  It is the easiest to read.  Ultimately it is most important to make sure people can read what you write, then consider what your font says about your web presence personality.

Hashtags: #fonts #typeface #blog

Is your name too porno for Facebook?


Naked Man holding a sign that says Facebook in front of his groin

Many porn stars are on Facebook.  There are lots of people in adult entertainment that have profiles and pages.  One of the big issues with being in adult entertainment and being on Facebook is promoting yourself without getting your account deleted. One of the first things you have to ask yourself is, is your name too porno for Facebook?

To make sure that you are within Facebooks terms of service, the content of your posting has to be chosen wisely.  Keeping that in mind, the name of your Facebook Page also has to be chosen wisely.  So what happens if you didn’t?  Until very recently you would have been stuck with it.  Even worse, you might have to delete your page or have your account deleted.  If you have built up a following, then deleting your page is probably the last thing you want to do.

So what are some reasons you might want to change your page name?

  1. You notice a grammatical error
  2. You thought you were being clever and realized later that you weren’t
  3. Your company changed its name
  4. You had your agency in your name and you left your agency
  5. Your name is location-based and you move
  6. You think that you must have a location in your name, and then figure out that you don’t
  7. You have a date in the name and it expired, but your page didn’t
  8. You realized that you used a foreign swear word
  9. You realize that having F*$% in the title of you page is not the best idea ever
  10. It is clearly pornographic

Facebook is testing a new feature in Facebook Pages that will actually allow you to change your page name.  The catch is, you can’t have too many likes on your page.  What they are not telling us is how many is too many.  So if you have thousands of people who like your page, it is most likely too late to change the name. But if it is a newer page, you should still have time.

So consider the “porn quotient” of your Facebook page name. You may now be able to change it.

25 Ways to Know if You have a Sexy Blog

lipstick kiss marks on a computer mouse25 ways to know if you have a sexy blog

  1. You blog about sex
  2. Your images need censorship bars
  3. People read your blog in private
  4. Your blog becomes my Friday night date
  5. Girls get jealous when their boyfriends read your blog
  6. Everything is tagged #NSFW
  7. Someone got fired reading your blog
  8. Your blog spices up my marriage
  9. Your blog is the other woman
  10. I get tingly thinking about your blog
  11. I have to use four letter words to describe your blog
  12. I light candles to sit down and read your blog
  13. Me, my boyfriend and your blog make a three-way
  14. My new fetish is your blog
  15. When I want my girlfriend to talk dirty to me I have her read me your blog
  16. Even my computer gets hot when I read your blog
  17. I slip into something more comfortable before reading your blog
  18. You blog makes me blush, repeatedly
  19. I don’t want to know if my mom is reading your blog!
  20. Teenage boys hide your blog under their bed
  21. I sound like Kathleen Turner after reading your blog
  22. Your blog dates a Baldwin (unless it’s Steve)
  23. Your blog is on a book cover with Fabio
  24. Chris Isaak serenades your blog
  25. Your blog has its own lingerie line

Porn not Verified on Twitter?

Are you verified on Twitter? Does it matter? Is it important?

For some people getting verified on Twitter is extremely important. Twitter verification is essentially a big blue check mark that says you are the real deal! It is Twitter’s way of establishing authenticity behind a well know and public persona. It is used for public figures, ie. politicians, celebrities, rock stars, etc.

Jenna Jameson verified on Twitter

One issue that a lot of adult stars face is the inability to get verified. Maybe someone already claimed your name and won’t give it up, not doing anything with it, just cyber-squatting.  Maybe they claimed your name to spam.  Maybe they are just posing as you.

Your name is a brand. You have worked hard at getting name recognition and you should be able to reap the rewards, not some random person in cyber-space who doesn’t know you from Adam. What is even worse than someone squatting on your name is if they are spamming or misrepresenting you.  Are they damaging the good name you have built?  This is, of course, why Twitter started verifying to begin with.  But many people in the adult industry have had great difficulty getting verified, or getting Twitter to help them resolve issues of cyber-squatting or spam/misrepresentation.  And yes we speculate discrimination.

Pornstar Tweet felt strong about this issue as well and created their own verification system for the stars they list. They vet the stars on their list and with any they can without a doubt authenticate, the readily offer their own check mark. Though unfortunately their check mark only appears on the list on their site and doesn’t translate to the Twitter avatar.

However, Twitter not verifying is quickly becoming a mute point because they are no longer verifying accounts. Since the change to New Twitter, many verified accounts have even lost their prized check mark.  Though support@twitter does say they are restoring them to their rightful owners.

The change to new twitter seems to come with the promise of a change to the verification system.  Apparently the verification system was in its beta form and Twitter will be rolling out a new and improved system.  Maybe this new verification system will be more open to verifying adult stars who have worked hard for name recognition and deserve to have that little blue check mark!