How often do Porn Stars do it?

How often do you do it?  You are a porn star.  The biggest question on everyone’s mind is: how often do you do it?  Once a day? Three times a week? Once a week? Once a month?

Yes, I am talking about blogging.  How often do you post?

If you want to get traffic to your site, frequency counts!

It is pretty simple. The more often you post, the more traffic you will get.  This is a case where quantity counts more than quality. I am not saying that you can post complete crap. You need to work on your writing. Make sure it is grammatically correct and that it is spell-checked. Get someone to review and edit it. Make sure that your topic is relevant to your blog subject and that it is interesting.

Some tips for writing often:

  • Write short posts

    A post that is about 300 to 500 characters long is plenty.  It is enough room to get an idea across but you are not writing a novel.  When it comes to reading blogs we have short attention spans.  So write something short, sweet and to the point.

  • Write a long post and break it up

    Many of us can’t write short posts. When we sit down to write, we write a lot.  This can be great for increasing your frequency. Take your long post and divide it up into two or more posts. Maybe one topic can span several posts.

  • Build a blog bank

    A blog bank is a reserve of blog posts that you have ready to go live at any moment.  This is really great if you are blogging every day or even multiple times a week. Lets face it, sometimes life gets in the way and we don’t have time to write. If you have a blog bank, you can pull from that for your posting.

  • Blog ahead

    I don’t usually blog bank, I do something similar. I blog ahead.  I will write up to 10 blogs ahead and get them scheduled.  I try to continue writing to keep up my scheduled reserve, but if I fall behind I know that I have wiggle room because I already have them scheduled.

  • Guest bloggers

    If you are posting frequently it can be hard to keep up with your own posting schedule. A way to help relieve some of the responsibility is to have guest bloggers.  This is a great way to expand your readership, grow your network and give you an occasional break from writing.