Entries by 7veils

SEO Optimize Your Google Plus Profile

SEO (search engine optimization) on Google Plus is an absolute must. Since they announced they are indexing everything posted, this is huge opportunity to boost your SEO. But what do you do if you don’t know how to optimize for SEO? Google Plus is making it easy. Your Name Make sure that your name is […]

Getting Started with SEO for Goolge Plus

Google Plus is becoming a major player in the social networking world, even for adult. You could actually argue that it is becoming bigger for adult than Facebook because Google is not as discriminating against adult content. One of the biggest advantages of Google Plus is the built in SEO. Google Plus indexes every link […]

Social Media Job: Tweet in German

We are looking for someone to tweet in German. The candidate needs to be very familiar with how to use Twitter and Hootsuite. They need to be fluent in German and able to write in a colloquial fashion, meaning they are able to use appropriate slang. This is for an adult site and you will […]


Google Plus for 13 Plus

Welcome the 13 year olds! Google Plus is trying to make themselves more competitive with Facebook. Though the social network is turning out to be more like a Twitter/Facebook hybrid, Facebook is still it’s #1 competitor and Twitter will likely remain a complimentary social network. Until recently Google+ has been for 18 years and older. […]

Now Everyone will have the Facebook Timeline

The Facebook timeline has been rolling out since November to the general public. Until recently people have been given the option of it they want to upgrade their profile. If they did upgrade and didn’t like it, they could return it to the old style within 7 days. Facebook has announced that there will be […]


Army of Twitter Zombies

There has always been a lot of debate about weather it is good to buy followers or not. Generally the answer is no. When you buy Twitter followers you might as well be buying an army of Zombies. They won’t retweet you. They won’t talk to you. They won’t click your links. …though the might […]

Long Term Networking

For many people conferences are an important part of our business networking. They are a way we can keep up with the industry changes, technology, and new people. It is the best way to make real life relationships with people and take your conversation off the computer. This week 2 big conferences are back to […]

SOPA is not your friend

Have you heard of SOPA? It is the acronym for the Stop Online Piracy Act. The act is designed to protect all of us from online piracy. Sounds great right? Sure, but in reality it is not protecting us it is hurting the small business. Let me explain why. Have you ever used an image […]