
SEO Optimize Your Google Plus Profile

SEO (search engine optimization) on Google Plus is an absolute must. Since they announced they are indexing everything posted, this is huge opportunity to boost your SEO. But what do you do if you don’t know how to optimize for SEO? Google Plus is making it easy.

Your Name

Make sure that your name is actually your name, and yes you can use your stage name. You want to use the name you want people to know you by. Think of this as your personal branding. You want people to know who you are. The nice thing is that if you use a nickname, they give you the option of adding it without it replacing your name.

  • To add a nickname, click edit on your profile. Then click your name. Then click “more options”. You will see a box to add your nickname.

Google Plus Nicknameor

Google Plus Nickname

Just a little word of caution. Just like Facebook, Plus does not like you to change your name to frequently. So make sure you know what you want before you change it.

Your name, whether it be on your profile or you page is important. When people are searching for you on the network or on search engines, they will be using this name to find you. Make sure it is the name you want representing your brand.

Just a side note, Google will not let you use a name it thinks is not real. This might be a problem for some people in adult. If they deny your name choice you can contact them to get it approved or you can just set up a fan page instead of using a profile.

Search Signals

Search signals are the things that search engines are looking for when you do a search. Google Plus has made this part easy. The search terms that you want to be found for are the ones that you need to put in your profile.

The most important areas to load keywords are you introduction, employment, education and places.

If you place your keywords in these sections you will be more likely to turn up for search results for that key term. Places is an important one in case people are looking for someone from, or living in, a specific town. Make sure to include places you previously lived to make it easier for people to find you.

What about the tagline? Good question. It does not seem to be heavily weighted, if all. So put whatever you want in the tagline. Occupation and bragging rights are also not weighted.

In a search for your query, after your key word the number of people in your circles, profile verification, and engagement are all weighted and in that order from heaviest to lightest.

Currently Plus seems to be giving profiles more weight than pages, which makes it even more important to SEO optimize your pages!

Certain search fields are more important for internal searching on Google Plus vs. searching on Google the search engine. Places you lived is one of those fields, it seems only relevant for people searching for you within the social network.

There are ways to spam with keyword loading and people are doing it. But Google is smart and will catch on to this kind of SEO practice. So it is best that you do not blatantly keyword load. Keep your descriptive writing relevant and good quality. It will be better for you in the long run.

Now Everyone will have the Facebook Timeline

The Facebook timeline has been rolling out since November to the general public. Until recently people have been given the option of it they want to upgrade their profile. If they did upgrade and didn’t like it, they could return it to the old style within 7 days. Facebook has announced that there will be no more of these shenanigans and that everyone will be upgraded automatically to the new timeline profile.

Like most updates this has Facebook users up in arms. Many people don’t like the new timeline. Though graphically it is very beautiful, it is harder to find information on it. Plus if you post a lot it is easier to get information buried.

Lets be real. No one is actually leaving Facebook. They know that they can make these changes, completely ignore feedback, and people will continue to use the network. It has become too ingrained in our online and social culture. Where Facebook will make changes is when it starts to hit their bottom line, ie. affecting businesses.

Of course many of the changes they have made over the past year have greatly affected business on Facebook for the negative but individually they were so small that we couldn’t make a fuss over it. One change that did raise everyone heckles was when FB was deciding what posts should appear on your pages timeline. It resulted in a huge outcry from the business community and prevented the change from ever making it out of the trial phase.

So despite the new roll out, people will yell and complain. You will likely see posts in all caps complaining about how horrible it all it. You will likely hear that you can revert back to the old style (which you can’t), there will be scams that supposedly let you revert your profile (don’t click those links), or apps created claiming the same thing (they are bogus). Like it or don’t like it, the timeline is here to stay.


The New Facebook “Timeline” Profile

Pretty soon you will notice that Facebook has a new profile. It is called the “Timeline” profile. Essentially it is showcasing your photos, comments, posts and updates from your entire time on Facebook. You can browse back to your very first days on Facebook. Though I am still concerned that it is too “me” centric, I have to admit that the layout is beautiful and that it prompted me to take a walk down memory lane.

1. The Cover

This is a giant picture at the top of your profile. It can be anything you want as kind of sets the theme to your profile. In essence this photo is supposed to be a personal expression of you. This is the first thing people see when they come to your “timeline”.


Underneath your cover is your “views” this was previously your info section, or a hybrid thereof. This is where you’ll find your info, photos, likes, apps and other stuff all on one header bar.

3. Activity Log

This is a section that is only available to you. This is where you can edit the privacy settings on your posts and pictures, even ones previously posted. This will let you see all your activity on Facebook since the dawn of time.

4. Stories

This are shows your top stories. Your photos, updates, posts and shares from all time that are considered top news. You can view top stories from any period of time by clicking a time period on the timeline at the top right of your profile.

5. Star or Hide

You can star or hide any post at any time. If you click the star on a story it will expand it to full screen. If you click the pencil, you have the ability to hide or delete it off your profile.

6. Life Events Menu

Above the area for status updates is your life events menu. This is where you can add or edit you significant life events. You can even set up when they happened so they are properly archived in your timeline. For instance, never put in your marriage? Well, now you can add it in and add the date that you were married.

7. Info

Your info area is now much more extensive as far as your familial connections. You can add your entire family tree from aunts, uncles and cousins to in-laws!

New Facebook Timeline Profile

Porn not Verified on Twitter?

Are you verified on Twitter? Does it matter? Is it important?

For some people getting verified on Twitter is extremely important. Twitter verification is essentially a big blue check mark that says you are the real deal! It is Twitter’s way of establishing authenticity behind a well know and public persona. It is used for public figures, ie. politicians, celebrities, rock stars, etc.

Jenna Jameson verified on Twitter

One issue that a lot of adult stars face is the inability to get verified. Maybe someone already claimed your name and won’t give it up, not doing anything with it, just cyber-squatting.  Maybe they claimed your name to spam.  Maybe they are just posing as you.

Your name is a brand. You have worked hard at getting name recognition and you should be able to reap the rewards, not some random person in cyber-space who doesn’t know you from Adam. What is even worse than someone squatting on your name is if they are spamming or misrepresenting you.  Are they damaging the good name you have built?  This is, of course, why Twitter started verifying to begin with.  But many people in the adult industry have had great difficulty getting verified, or getting Twitter to help them resolve issues of cyber-squatting or spam/misrepresentation.  And yes we speculate discrimination.

Pornstar Tweet felt strong about this issue as well and created their own verification system for the stars they list. They vet the stars on their list and with any they can without a doubt authenticate, the readily offer their own check mark. Though unfortunately their check mark only appears on the list on their site and doesn’t translate to the Twitter avatar.

However, Twitter not verifying is quickly becoming a mute point because they are no longer verifying accounts. Since the change to New Twitter, many verified accounts have even lost their prized check mark.  Though support@twitter does say they are restoring them to their rightful owners.

The change to new twitter seems to come with the promise of a change to the verification system.  Apparently the verification system was in its beta form and Twitter will be rolling out a new and improved system.  Maybe this new verification system will be more open to verifying adult stars who have worked hard for name recognition and deserve to have that little blue check mark!