
#TittyTuesday #FollowFriday and other sexy hashtags

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Sexy Woman blowing hashtag kissesWant to tap into the larger Twitter world and reach people beyond your followers?  Hashtags are your key to the Twitterverse, and keywords are the spare keys you hide under the false rock in your garden.

Hashtags are words with a # in front of them. You will often see multiple words strung together into one, almost unintelligible, jumble of letters.  For instance #deletemynumberif, which is trending as I write this. If you were to space this out it would read “delete my number if”.  To make it easier to differentiate words, people will often capitalize the beginning of each word. The tag would then look like: #DeleteMyNumberIf. This makes it easier to read when stringing the words together.

What makes hashtags such a powerful tool is that they are easy to track and easy to follow. When someone uses one in a post, you can just click the tag and it will show you all the other tweets using that same tag. You can also search for specific hashtags. There is a website that shows you the popularity, and rate of posting, of hashtags. Go to to see the influence of any hashtag.

Here is a list of popular hashtags and their rate for being tweeted. Now, .07% might seem low, but the average number of tweets sent per day is 140 million. So .07% is 98,000 tweets – and that’s a lot!

  • #TittyTuesday .07%
  • #Sexy #.25%
  • #FollowFriday .09%
  • #FF 1.73% (this is a more popular hashtag for #FollowFriday)

Keywords are searchable, but not clickable. This means you can use Twitter search to look for the keywords, but if you use them in a post they will not be clickable.  One thing nice about keywords is that they do not have to be pushed together to form one nearly illegible word, they can be a series of words with spaces. This also means they are harder to spot as being keywords. However, if you use good keywords you can tap into some great trending topics.

Another way to tap into trending topics is to look at your Twitter feed. On the right side menu, there is a topic called “Trending” that will show you what is currently trending.  You can also go to sites like to see this. The site will also tell you why something is trending. For instance, “Hard Nipples” is trending. Well, you might think, of course it is trending! Who doesn’t like hard nipples?  Well this is not trending because of any Twitter After Dark action.  It is trending because a judge from America’s Best Dance Crew said something about his nipples getting hard in response to a pole dance. Ok, so maybe it should be a part of Twitter After Dark.

But just because it does not originate in adult does not mean that you can’t capitalize on it.  You have an audience that is specifically paying attention to this keyword. Tweet it out and use the keyword; you might reach an audience you don’t normally get to talk to.

Keywords and hashtags are significantly under used in adult tweets.  If you want to reach your audience, and broaden your audience, be strategic – use hashtags and keywords!



From Hoarders to Whoreders

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Jaime Pressly

Jaime Pressly both funny and sexy

When it comes to movies, almost everyone loves a good parody, whether it be porn or mainstream.  The reason parodies are so great is because they trade on the cultural capital that already exists and then add a whole new level of humor. Sex parodies are even better, because now you are not only adding humor, you are adding sex.

The newest parody, Whoreders, has been released. It is a spoof of the show Hoarders on A&E. But where Hoarders is a depressing show about a serious mental illness, Whoreders is a funny movie about, well…hoarding whores.

As you can imagine, the Twitterverse is filling up with very funny tweets involving this play on words.  But what this really brings to our attention is this:

People love humor.

People love sex.

Ergo, people love funny sex!

This is a truism that can be taken to the bank!… as Whoreders is probably doing.

Lessons for social media

  • Stop trying to be so serious. Lighten up. People get tired of serious.
  • Be funny. Funny is sexy. More often than not people fail at sexy and succeed at being boring or drab.  Instead of trying to be sexy all the time, shake it up a bit and relax. Throw a joke or two into the mix.  Sometimes being  funny is sexier than just being sexy…look at Jaime Pressly
  • Capitalizing on the popularity of something else is a great way to grow your network and engagement. If something is popular, talk about it.  Talking about different topics also helps you seem more diverse.  Plenty of people only talk about sex or their next web show and it just gets dull. Don’t box yourself in. Be multidimensional. Your followers will pay more attention and in turn you will get more clicks.

My what a sexy font you have…

Fonts are the voice of your website.  They reveal your personality, or the personality of your site.  Your font needs to match the topic, content and feel of your site. So what is your font personality? Sexy, playful, provocative? Mysterious, classic, cold or impersonal? Mature or immature?

Fonts are the stepchildren of web design. When you create a blogsite (which I recommend over a regular website) you primarily focus on graphic design. How does it look?  Do the colors go nicely together?  Do your sidebars look cool? Does your home page grab you?  Font is usually a secondary or tertiary consideration. Often it is not even a conscious decision; people will just accept whatever the default font is.  There are people in typography who feel that your choice of font is a representation of your personality.  I wouldn’t go that far, but your font does send a message.

“Typefaces are the clothes words wear, and just as we make judgments about people by the clothes they wear, so we make judgments about the information we’re reading by the typefaces,” typography analyst Caroline Arche

Size Matters

Size does matter when it comes to fonts.  A smaller font conveys power and authority. A large font indicates immaturity. So in general smaller is better, unless it is too small to read.

Font Type

The type of font you choose sends a message.  Professional but traditional? Use Times.  Professional but contemporary? Use Verdana. Courier New says cold and unfeeling. Times New Roman is a good compromise between traditional and modern and generates feelings of trustworthiness. If you want something flirty and fun, then pick something with big circular O’s and swooping lines.

“Courier is the sensible shoes of Fonts.”

Font Color

The color of your font is extremely important, especially in relation to your background.  How many times have you gone to a page and had trouble reading the writing because of the font color?  People may have difficulties reading what you write because of vision issues,migraines, or forms of color blindness.  But if someone is struggling with reading what you wrote because they cannot see it easily, they will not stay on your page.

  • Do not place small white text on black backgrounds. It is visually very difficult to read.  The letters blur together and become indistinguishable, or seemingly move around. (This is one time where larger font size is better).
  • Red text on a yellow background is like a seizure for the eyes. It actually creates a holographic effect.
  • Blue text on green background or green on blue background should be avoided.  Often the words will just melt into the background and some people won’t be able to see them at all.

a block of white text on a black background showing how white text is hard to read

A demonstration of how white text is hard to read

The best font to use is black text on a white, light gray, light cream or light tan background.  It is the easiest to read.  Ultimately it is most important to make sure people can read what you write, then consider what your font says about your web presence personality.

Hashtags: #fonts #typeface #blog

25 Ways to Know if You have a Sexy Blog

lipstick kiss marks on a computer mouse25 ways to know if you have a sexy blog

  1. You blog about sex
  2. Your images need censorship bars
  3. People read your blog in private
  4. Your blog becomes my Friday night date
  5. Girls get jealous when their boyfriends read your blog
  6. Everything is tagged #NSFW
  7. Someone got fired reading your blog
  8. Your blog spices up my marriage
  9. Your blog is the other woman
  10. I get tingly thinking about your blog
  11. I have to use four letter words to describe your blog
  12. I light candles to sit down and read your blog
  13. Me, my boyfriend and your blog make a three-way
  14. My new fetish is your blog
  15. When I want my girlfriend to talk dirty to me I have her read me your blog
  16. Even my computer gets hot when I read your blog
  17. I slip into something more comfortable before reading your blog
  18. You blog makes me blush, repeatedly
  19. I don’t want to know if my mom is reading your blog!
  20. Teenage boys hide your blog under their bed
  21. I sound like Kathleen Turner after reading your blog
  22. Your blog dates a Baldwin (unless it’s Steve)
  23. Your blog is on a book cover with Fabio
  24. Chris Isaak serenades your blog
  25. Your blog has its own lingerie line