
New Twitter & Adult Film Stars- Is it Less Sexy?


If you are in the adult entertainment industry, actor, producer, photographer, etc. then you will be familiar with custom Twitter backgrounds. It is actually rare to see someone in the adult entertainment industry who does not have a custom background.

But since September 14th, has the new Twitter release made custom backgrounds become a thing of the past?

Before the new release, a custom background on your Twitter page was a important facet of building your brand. Custom backgrounds allowed any company or individual to show PG13 publicity pics, show off awards, promote a new film or drive traffic to a website. It was a great way to hook a new follower.

Technically custom backgrounds still exist. It’s just that the re-design of Twitter‘s interface prevents them from being seen. In the new interface, “You will now find @mentions, re-tweets, searches, and lists just above your time line – creating a single, streamlined view on the left of the screen. On the right, you can see the features you’re familiar with, including whom you recently followed and who recently followed you, favorites, and Trending Topics.”

The re-organization of information does make the navigation of Twitter much more intuitive but presents a new challenge in branding and identity.

Twitter users will now have to build their brand awareness or their public persona primarily by the content of their tweets. The new interface encourages users to share more multimedia. However, you still have to post interesting content to entice followers (and would be followers) to click-through.

Ultimately, I do not think this will change the way in which people tweet. Yet, the new interface does re-emphasize the importance of your tweets and the relationships you build.

It is not how you look but what you say that matters. So increase your engagement by posting more pics and make sure your Bio can hook followers!