
Porn not Verified on Twitter?

Are you verified on Twitter? Does it matter? Is it important?

For some people getting verified on Twitter is extremely important. Twitter verification is essentially a big blue check mark that says you are the real deal! It is Twitter’s way of establishing authenticity behind a well know and public persona. It is used for public figures, ie. politicians, celebrities, rock stars, etc.

Jenna Jameson verified on Twitter

One issue that a lot of adult stars face is the inability to get verified. Maybe someone already claimed your name and won’t give it up, not doing anything with it, just cyber-squatting.  Maybe they claimed your name to spam.  Maybe they are just posing as you.

Your name is a brand. You have worked hard at getting name recognition and you should be able to reap the rewards, not some random person in cyber-space who doesn’t know you from Adam. What is even worse than someone squatting on your name is if they are spamming or misrepresenting you.  Are they damaging the good name you have built?  This is, of course, why Twitter started verifying to begin with.  But many people in the adult industry have had great difficulty getting verified, or getting Twitter to help them resolve issues of cyber-squatting or spam/misrepresentation.  And yes we speculate discrimination.

Pornstar Tweet felt strong about this issue as well and created their own verification system for the stars they list. They vet the stars on their list and with any they can without a doubt authenticate, the readily offer their own check mark. Though unfortunately their check mark only appears on the list on their site and doesn’t translate to the Twitter avatar.

However, Twitter not verifying is quickly becoming a mute point because they are no longer verifying accounts. Since the change to New Twitter, many verified accounts have even lost their prized check mark.  Though support@twitter does say they are restoring them to their rightful owners.

The change to new twitter seems to come with the promise of a change to the verification system.  Apparently the verification system was in its beta form and Twitter will be rolling out a new and improved system.  Maybe this new verification system will be more open to verifying adult stars who have worked hard for name recognition and deserve to have that little blue check mark!

If size matters in Porn does it matter in Twitter?


7_Veils Twitter

The Adult Entertainment Industry is saturated with custom Twitter backgrounds. It is rare that you will find an adult star without a custom Twitter background.  Honestly, this is smart.  If you are an adult star then you need to brand yourselfMarket yourself! Get your face and your name out there in every way possible.  If you want to be successful then people need to know who you are.

Twitter has just changed the game a bit with their new design.  All those wonderful backgrounds are nearly invisible.

The new twitter has changed the Twitter interface. The basic changes are the columns are wider and have some improved usability functions.  There are some other back-end improvement that will help usability and browser loading. But what you will notice is the bifurcated screen. Basically a fancy term to mean split screen.  Your feed is on the left and your navigation and stats menu is on the right. Now when you click on someones twitter ID or their avatar, instead of taking you to their profile page, it will open up an abbreviated profile on the right side of the split screen. Plus the right side of the screen is now bigger, making it easier to navigate.

Where this makes usability a better for a variety of reasons, it is rendering the old custom background less valuable. Yes they are still there, but effectively no one can see them.

The reason custom backgrounds are so important is that they allow you to merge branding with your social media activity. Unfortunately the change has rendered our beautiful branded backgrounds unusable for most people. However, this is not as severe for those of us in the adult entertainment industry.

Lets face it, if you are a beautiful and sexy  adult star then people want to see you. They want to look at pictures of you.  They want to see as many pictures of you as possible without having to pay for it.

Though we want them to pay for content, you have to offer a teaser.  So for most people the reduction of their available space for custom design was cut in half and rendered mostly useless, the adult industry is an exception.  People will expand their browser to its full size because they will want to see more pics of you.

Can you still have a custom background?

Yes! The new interface width is 1040px, leaving roughly 100px on the left for your branding. This is not a lot of room for design or information content. What this means is that you will have to be more selective on the content you place in this area.  On the right of the menu, there is more space, though this won’t be easily seen either.  However, if you want to put up a picture gallery, this would be the place to do it.

Who will see my new custom background?

Not many people. Mobile devices will not see custom backgrounds at all. If you open a profile from your stream, New Twitter now opens it in the right side bar instead of going to their profile page. To see the full Twitter page you have to open your browser window all the way, meaning 1080px. Not everyone browses this way and not everyone’s screen is big enough, or set up, to open a window that large. Banyan Branch says that the full Twitter screen will only be viewed by an estimated 5% of Internet users. However, if people think that they can see some provocative pictures of you, they are more likely to look for them than not.

How to Create a New Twitter Background?

Create a document that is 1980 x 1080 px.

Only 41-312 px will be visible. 41px are visible to all browsers and 312px are visible to 4.6%. Best to keep your content to 41-108px on the far left of the screen.

When you are done, save it as a .png

The New Twitter backgrounds are not as valuable as the old custom backgrounds. Your real estate has been significantly reduced along with the visibility. However, it is still important to have a custom background. It still helps branding. It still makes you look more professional and it can still drive business. So don’t toss the baby out with the bathwater. Keep a custom background, just boil it down to basics and make it clean and simple.

Now you biggest decision is what to put on the left, which is roughly 1.39 inches wide, to create the most impact in a small space.  Like they say, size doesn’t matter right?

New Twitter & Adult Film Stars- Is it Less Sexy?


If you are in the adult entertainment industry, actor, producer, photographer, etc. then you will be familiar with custom Twitter backgrounds. It is actually rare to see someone in the adult entertainment industry who does not have a custom background.

But since September 14th, has the new Twitter release made custom backgrounds become a thing of the past?

Before the new release, a custom background on your Twitter page was a important facet of building your brand. Custom backgrounds allowed any company or individual to show PG13 publicity pics, show off awards, promote a new film or drive traffic to a website. It was a great way to hook a new follower.

Technically custom backgrounds still exist. It’s just that the re-design of Twitter‘s interface prevents them from being seen. In the new interface, “You will now find @mentions, re-tweets, searches, and lists just above your time line – creating a single, streamlined view on the left of the screen. On the right, you can see the features you’re familiar with, including whom you recently followed and who recently followed you, favorites, and Trending Topics.”

The re-organization of information does make the navigation of Twitter much more intuitive but presents a new challenge in branding and identity.

Twitter users will now have to build their brand awareness or their public persona primarily by the content of their tweets. The new interface encourages users to share more multimedia. However, you still have to post interesting content to entice followers (and would be followers) to click-through.

Ultimately, I do not think this will change the way in which people tweet. Yet, the new interface does re-emphasize the importance of your tweets and the relationships you build.

It is not how you look but what you say that matters. So increase your engagement by posting more pics and make sure your Bio can hook followers!